Facing a lifetime injury from an auto accident? Read this before you settle…

An auto accident injury could change your life forever!

If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, and your insurance company is in a hurry to settle — BEWARE!

The quickest, easiest path is not necessarily the BEST choice. Think about it. Who will profit from a quick settlement? Most likely — both insurance companies involved. My friend Annie * is the perfect example of this.

Annie has been a  paraplegic for more than twenty years. She nearly died in terrible car crash after being t-boned by car racing through a red light at around 80 mph.  During long months in the hospital and rehab,  she was repeatedly asked to settle by her insurance company.

Thankfully, Annie didn’t settle. She realized her life was changed forever. Who can put a price tag on that?

She hired a savvy personal injury/car accident lawyer.

She waited for years to settle, learning over time all of the hidden costs of living life as a paraplegic.

Her list of new needs was much longer and more costly than she could have anticipated in the early days of recovery from her personal injuries.

She needs 24/7 live-in help.  Multiply that by 20 + years now.  Add inflation to the cost of living. Factor in finding honest, reliable help.  That’s a huge challenge by itself.

Her entire house had to be retrofitted for her to drive her scooter around inside the house. Doorways widened. New shower and safety bars installed. She needed new ramps built for her home’s exterior.

Of course, now she has to hire help to maintain every aspect of her home’s interior and exterior.

She also needed enough money for all of her routine bills for the rest of her life:  house payment, food, electric, water, gas, phone, clothing, etc…  And this was just the tip of the iceberg!

In order to get to doctors’ and therapists’ visits,  a handicapped van was required.

Surprise, surprise! The maintenance costs for such a vehicle are astronomical.  Another friend with handicapped children recently told me that their routine oil changes are nearly double the cost due to the modifications on their handicapped van.  Then, of course, over time, this vehicle needs to be replaced!

Because Annie is a spunky, smart go-getter, she didn’t settle for routine therapies.  After all, she only had limited success with those. Annie wanted to have a life!

Instead she tried alternative routes until she found healing therapies that worked best for her body and needs.

She was able to lose weight! She found an exercise routine and equipment that worked for her. She was actually able to bring back a certain quality to her life.  She lives modestly in a comfortable home of her own.

Did I mention that Annie is spunky? She has gone on adventures like sky-diving and hot-air ballooning. She takes vacations. She even takes time for mission trips to help others in third world countries.

In short, she is not miserable and neglected in some government-run assisted living home!

None of this would have been possible if she had listened to her insurance company’s many pleas to settle. 

Annie would probably have been forced to live in poverty, quite possibly in a group home. She would have had to rely on public transportation.

Worst of all, she would have to rely on the “moods” of overworked care-givers instead of hiring and firing her own private care-givers.

Her medical therapies and care would have been minimal.  Annie’s pain levels would likely been poorly managed.  This tragic accident could have led to a life no one wants to live!

Delaying insurance settlement for her best possible outcome made a huge difference for Annie!

Yes, it was a fight that went on for years!

Without an aggressive auto injury attorney on her side, life would undeniably have been very different for Annie*. 

*Name changed to protect personal privacy.

Are you or a loved one facing a life turned upside down due to serious personal injuries in a car accident?

Before you settle with any insurance company, be sure to seek professional legal advice from an experienced personal injury lawyer. Take a page out of Annie’s book — don’t settle for less than your best possible outcome!


The Law Offices of Nathan A. Steimel, LLC are here to fight aggressively for you — not for the big insurance companies!  They won’t “farm out” your case to an inexperienced lawyer like some big law firms commonly do.

You need the best possible coverage to face such a mega life challenge.  Call 636-244-3737 today for your free consultation. 

This website is designed for general information only. The information presented on this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice or the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.










Drive to survive — avoid a “drugged driving” penalty!

Whenever you get in the car and drive anywhere these days, you’re likely to be sharing the road with a number of “drugged drivers.”

Just a little bit of research tells us why.

According to the National institues of Health (see  cancer.gov), 39.6% of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. That’s nearly 6 out of 10 people. If you’re dealing with cancer, pain is often part of that nasty ordeal.

Then you add those with chronic, daily pain to the mix.

The numbers of those who suffer with autoimmune diseases, work-related, or accident-related injuries keeps growing.

There are  a staggering number of folks who need pain meds on a daily basis just to function.  Add driving to that mix, and the combination can be deadly.

Gen X, Z, and Millenials are not the only culprits when it comes to drugged driving or driving under the influence of drugs  — DUID!

According to drugabuse.gov,  those 50 or older were responsible for more than  25% of deadly drugged driving car crashes in 2010!


It reminds me of the days when we were faithfully checking on an older, fiercely-independent relative. Unfortunately she was on so many pills, she would forget and take pills at the wrong time or in the wrong combinations. Then she would get behind the wheel to run “just a little errand.”

We were worried out of our ever-loving minds! Especially since we lived over an hour away,  our options were limited.

She needed a safe strategy for opiods and driving! Does that sound like you?

Prescription pain medications are  a hotly-debated topic across all income levels and walks of life.

However, when it comes to the law, the only debate is how stiff your penalty will be if you are caught and charged with a DUID.

“It’s not an acceptable defense to a drugged driving charge to claim that the driver is legally entitled to use the controlled substance. “ (dui.drivinglaws.org)

In other words, your doctor’s prescription will not get you off the hook! That’s what made us shake in our boots when our loved one was behind the wheel loaded with meds.

We didn’t want to see her spend the last of her days surrounded by orange jumpsuits and prison walls! She had lived and loved too well to deserve that!

In Missouri, driving while using a controlled substance is a CRIME.

There are no simple answers to this problem — no one-size-fits-all drug test. Everyone reacts differently to meds.

If you are battling cancer or chronic pain, you don’t need to face criminal charges on top of that pile of stress!  Even a good criminal defense lawyer is going to have his work cut out for him to get your sentence reduced.

Here are a few strategy tips to avoid a drugged driving charge:

Plan to drive drug-free and avoid traffic violations!

Time your pain meds so that you can run errands or make doctors’ visits without a recent pill.   Squelch your inner speed demon, too!  Our loved one had a lead foot.  No wonder we did some nail-biting!

Right now you don’t normally risk having to be tested for drugs from the day prior if you were to be stopped for a traffic violation.

Like seat-belt laws, that may change.  Unfortunately some pain meds show up in your system for days after taking them.

Network with friends and family for a ride when you can’t live without pain relief long enough to drive.

Pick up the phone and call.  That’s a tough position to be in — no doubt about it!  Your loved ones would much rather you reach out than to hear that you are facing drug charges.

Short on local friends and family? Reach out to a community organization or church for help.

If you or a loved one are facing DUID charges/ drugged driving charges in the state of Missouri, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney by your side.

The Law Offices of Nathan A. Steimel, LLC is well-versed in local and state law for Missouri drug charges.  Experience matters in getting a reduction of sentence for you!   Call 636-244-3737 for a free consultation  today.

This website is designed for general information only. The information presented on this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice or the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.


How to protect yourself when you need prescription pain meds at work

Maybe you’re an employee that operates heavy equipment. You’ve also been diagnosed with a long-term auto-immune disease that causes chronic pain.

Chronic pain from your disease keeps you awake at night, sometimes all night. You can’t run the risk of being sleepy on your job. One misstep with the heavy equipment you drive, and someone else’s life is on the line. Most certainly your job is on the line!

Thankfully, your doctor realizes managing your disease requires sending you to a pain management doctor, too.

Together you discuss the options ahead of you. You discuss your job with the pain management doctor, and he still prescribes an opiod pain medicine in addition to other meds needed to fight inflammation in your body. It’s long-lasting pain relief, but you only take it before bedtime.

Your pain management doctor goes the extra mile and writes a note of explanation for your boss.

Yes, you are on opioids. But, yes, your dose is also carefully managed to allow you to safely do your job without creating the risk of a work-related accident. Both you and your doctor are trying to be responsible!

You breathe a sigh of relief because getting a good night’s sleep is a MUST.  You just want to function like a normal human being, right? But, you don’t want to lose your job!

Now for a conversation with your department manager or boss. What DO you say? Should you say anything?

You know random drug testing is always lurking!

You know you will fail the drug test at work even though your pain managment doctor has carefully prescribed what you need to function safely on the job.

Here’s where the rubber meets the road.  Prescription pain medicines are a hotly-debated topic, especially in the workplace. In fact, many companies are struggling to come up with a fair and safe workplace drug policy.  Some simply opt for a “drug-free workplace” which leaves no room for those who struggle with chronic illness and pain!


Interestingly enough, the state of Missouri does not legislate workplace drug testing for private employers.

This actually means that your workplace in Missouri is not prevented from running random drug tests. However, they cannot violate the Americans with Disabilites Act.

If you are able to legitimately claim a disability,  testing  positive for certain prescription drugs, even opioids, cannot be held against you.  ( Please note: in Missouri, this would not include medical marijuana.)

This is good news for the disabled who truly need their medicines to function!

What if you haven’t yet qualified for disability?

Many of those who suffer from extreme chronic pain still fall into this category.  And yet, you also need those pain meds to function!

In this case, an ounce of prevention may be worth a pound of cure. The best place to start would be a discussion with an experienced Missouri criminal defense  and workers’ compensation lawyer.

Since testing positive for opioids in  “drug-free workplace” can require entering a drug-rehab program,  a reduction in workers’ compensation benefits, or even the loss of your job you need sound legal advice from a criminal defense lawyer. You don’t want to be charged with a crime you never intended to commit!

Missouri’s drug-testing laws in the workplace can be confusing! If you deal with chronic pain and prescription meds, you need to know your legal rights and put a plan in place to protect your job.

You will find the Law Offices of Nathan A. Steimel, LLC, to be both compassionate and aggressive defenders of the everyday employee.   Call for a free initial consultation today at 636-244-3737. Get your questions answered!

This website is designed for general information only. The information presented on this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice or the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.



3 ways to avoid a work-related accident…

A family friend loves to circle the children around him, especially when he meets new people.  It’s story-time!

He flashes his hand with the stubby thumb  and says, “Guess what I ate for lunch?” The littlest ones eyes grow big,  while the older ones give “Bob” a knowing stare.  There’s more to this story — can’t fool the tweens!

After all,  if you only have a stump of a thumb left, you might as well milk it for all its worth.  Gotta make some lemonade with that lemon. “Bob’s” thumb is not going to grow back!

While “Bob’s” accident was related to a home-improvement project on his own property,  many other work-related accidents occur in the U.S. each year. According to the Bureau of Labor statistics for 2015,  some manufacturing businesses were listed as having the highest numbers of work-related injuries.  https://www.bls.gov/iif/oshwc/osh/os/ostb4741.pdf

We’ve come a long ways since the horrors of the 1911 Triangle Factory (clothing manufacturer) fire in Manhatten. Workers were locked inside this high-rise building to prevent theft.  As the fire spread,  most of the young women factory workers jumped out of the windows to their death rather than being burned alive.

Safety and concern for human life seem to be hard-earned lessons for the human race!

With careful thought and planning,  most companies in the U.S. today work hard to provide a safe working environment for their employees.

Still, almost any job has work-related hazards. You could even trip and fall over poorly installed computer wires!
I spent a summer working in a country store deli as kitchen help. Since I was just over 18, I had the joy and privilege of running the giant electric meat slicer!

I was duly warned about the dangers and given training on equipment safety techniques. Still, every time I was sent to slice I breathed a sigh of relief when the job was done.  I really enjoy using both of my thumbs to this day. (Sorry,  “Bob”.)

Based on what I learned to safely operate the meat slicer, here are a few basic work safety tips for every job requiring  the use of tools.

1.) Don’t let co-workers distract you while you work with tools!

Yep! Your fellow man can be both your greatest help and your biggest liability! Talking with your co-worker about weekend plans while running a potentially dangerous tool is a seriously bad idea. It’s like texting and driving.  Just don’t  do it!

2.) Write a list of basic safety procedures needed to do your job if your company doesn’t already provide one!

Refresh your memory often.  Take your list to work if need be.  Being prepared is so much better than operating blindly! Sometimes  on-the-job safety training is simply inadequate. It’s rushed. You only practice once. You come into work the next day a bit puzzled, trying to remember the right steps in the right order.

Ask questions!  Be a pest. It’s okay.  Safe is better than sorry. That’s what your momma always said, right?

3.) Let your boss know when you are under the weather, or seriously “off your game”.

Obviously I couldn’t run the meat slicer if I was coughing and sneezing — a germ hazard for others, for sure.  However, having a headache and slicing meat is an equally bad idea. If you are not “on your game”,  no boss should want you operating heavy or dangerous equipment.  if they do, well, …

If you or a loved one has been injured on the job even if you are at fault,  you need an experienced workers’ compensation attorney  in your corner to fight for your rights. Work-related injuries can change your life forever!

The Law Offices of Nathan A. Steimel, LLC is licensed to handle workers’ compensation cases both in Missouri and Illinois. You will  receive experienced and aggressive legal help for your work-related injury case. You can find more information here:  http://steimel-law.com/workers-comp.html

The Law Offices of Nathan A. Steimel, LLC wants you to know that  even if you have been denied workers’ compensation, you may still have a personal injury case!  Call for a free consultation at 636-244-3737.

This website is designed for general information only. The information presented on this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice or the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.






Freedom is fragile — so fight for your legal rights!

Nineteen years in prison for a stolen loaf of bread!  Les Miserable is the classic tale of justice run amuck.

The struggles of Jean Valjean to rebuild his life after rotting in prison for so long remind us that life is often unfair.

Honesty is a pillar of society, but so is a fair justice system.

We celebrate freedom  and justice for all on the 4th of July.  Or so we claim!  What does it mean to be just? 

A simple definition on http://dictionary.com says that being just means — guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairness! 

Like Javert in Les Miserable , we sometimes encounter  laws or a law enforcement official with an overblown sense of justice.

Think of Andy Griffith’s side-kick,  Barney Fife. Andy was forever reigning him in and bringing common sense (reason) to the law.

Andy’s wit and humor balance out Barney’s impulsiveness, and, dare we say,  lack of a fully-developed sense of a justice? We’re all a bit relieved that Andy, not Barney, is the Sheriff of Mayberry, USA.

Let’s talk about some petty theft laws on the books that could get you in serious trouble in the state of Missouri — if applied without a well-balanced sense of justice.

Say your eighteen year old son has a buddy. For some unknown reason, they decide together that stealing the neighbor’s  U.S. flag out of their yard is a great feat of daring!

The only problem? Your neighbor has been in a property line dispute with you for years. Not that your son has paid too much attention. He was just “sowing a little harmless wild oats” that night,  right on candid camera.

Yes, indeed! In this high-tech era, your neighbor caught both boys in the act.  The situation escalates.  No second chances for your son. Your neighbor is determined to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

You are horrifed to find out that your son, with his whole life before him — and no criminal record– is faced with a Class C felony for a petty theft. What was a simple act of foolishness has turned into a life-shattering nightmare!

Yep!  Somewhere along the way, someone decided that flag-stealing was a crime punishable by possibly at least a year in prison and a fine of up to $5,000 dollars.

You hope and pray that the judge that day will be guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairness.  That’s what our United States flag is supposed to stand for, after all!

Maybe you or a family member are facing a petty theft charge that has the power to turn your life completely upside down.  You need the legal services of an experienced criminal defense attorney who is committed to justice!

The Law Offices of Nathan A. Steimel, LLC will give you a free initial consultation. You will receive a fair evaluation of your case.  As a meticulous, aggressive criminal defense lawyer, Nathan A. Steimel will fight for your freedoms in court.  Call (636)244-3737 to schedule your free consultation

This website is designed for general information only. The information presented on this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice or the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.

Drive to survive: How to avoid “road-rage” car accidents

Why does vacation time turn some folks into zombie-like drivers?

Vacation is supposed to be stress-free and happy, right?

If you live along a beach  or vacation traffic route like me, you know exactly what I mean.

You almost feel like these zombie drivers pack and hit the road with a killer-instinct for anyone who might be on their road.  Maybe they add some extra “juice” to their coffee?

For many years, our beach route highway was only one lane each direction with double yellow lines most of the way.  In the summer,  we cringed when we approach a curve or slight hill. You never knew if you will encounter someone zooming head-on in your lane  at 65 to 70 mph.  It made for a white-knuckled drive!

Thankfully they’re widening our highway bit by bit.  Who knows how many lives have been lost over the years especially during peak traffic season!  The locals blame the big city drivers from Baltimore and Washington, D.C. for the hair-raising drive to the beach.

The locals are right! These big city drivers have earned their reputation, too! Baltimore and D.C.  rank 8th and 10th as the top ten cities with the worst road-rage drivers according to http://www.monkeymeter.com

It’s no wonder handmade signs sometimes appear along our stretch of highway, “Go HOME! The beach is closed.”

While the St. Louis area is happily known for its courteous drivers,  distracted or careless driving can still easily spark a road-rage induced car accident.  You’ve all seen that speeding driver weaving in and out of traffic.

Or, a driver cuts you off,  and you narrowly avoid an accident!  You can’t help but notice they’re on their cell. Grrr!  See what I mean?  The blood pressure rises just thinking about it!

Those most likely to display road rage are between the ages of 18 and 39. That might include your vulnerable, newly-minted teen driver!

Need help starting that conversation? Tell your teen how not become a zombie driver.

Here are some common sense tips for surviving  zombie drivers:

  • Stay on “high-alert” for zombie drivers.  Don’t zone out.  You need to keep at least four of your senses in action. Hands on the steering wheel! Eyes on the road and mirrors! Ears tuned in for revving engines or other signs of trouble!   Your nose, well, if you drive an older car, this comes in handy for sniffing out trouble with your own vehicle.
  • Take a chill-pill. That’s right. If someone cuts you off, take a deep breath and let it go. Being tail-gated? Go ahead and get out of the left lane already!  Swerving car? Just try to stay out of their way.  I’ve seen my grandfather kindly pull off to the shoulder numerous times to let faster moving traffic go past him. That’s right, parents! It’s up to us to show our teens how to respond to road rage.
  • Decide if the driver needs police intervention.  Once we noticed a semi- truck repeatedly swerving into the lane beside him. Knowing that truck drivers often face crazy deadlines, we wondered if he was sleepy. After watching him carefully from a distance for a few miles, we decided to call the police. It was for his own safety as well the safety of others.
  • Never pull over to speak to an angry driver!  Don’t pull over unless you caused an auto accident! Even so, take precautions to protect yourself from an irate driver. Call 911 yourself.  Then call your car accident attorney as soon as possible.  http://steimel-law.com/personal-injury-motorvehicle.html

We’re human. Accidents happen even when we try to avoid being that zombie driver!

If you’ve been involved in a car crash,  you need the help of an experienced auto accident lawyer.  The Law Offices of Nathan A. Steimel, LLC knows that being involved in an auto accident is a very stressful time for you!

They care about your rights and helping you get the full accident compensation that you need.  Call today for a free initial consultation. (636)244-3737

This website is designed for general information only. The information presented on this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice or the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.



Caught shoplifting in Missouri? { 3 reasons you need a criminal defense attorney’s help}

You’re not sure what possessed you at that moment!

In the blink of an eye, you tried on those new workboots you thought you needed at your favorite department store.  You even looked around and thought no one saw you.  Tucking your old shoes under the rack, you just decided to leave with the new boots on your feet.

What you didn’t notice was the store’s security surveillance cameras.  Before you could even get to the front of the store, there was a hand on your elbow and a voice in your ear. “Sir, you need to come with me.”

Your heart sank when turned around and saw store’s assistant manager standing at your side. Fortunately you decided  it was better to go quietly than to make a big fuss.

At least your petty crime  wasn’t plastered on social media or front page news. No one else saw you slink back to the store’s office  to wait for the police to arrive.

You’d never dealt with the law before.  However, it wasn’t the officer-on-call’s first trip to that store on that day.   Both the store’s manager and the officer who arrived were tired of having to deal with petty theft.  So they decided enough was enough!

Even though you tried to explain your situation — out of work for three months, and really needing these workboots for the new job — neither party was in the mood to deal.  They were ready to throw those boots straight at your dumb head!

While the story above is purely fiction, you may find yourself in these same “boots”.  Even if you’re a first-time shoplifting offender, you’re going to need a good criminal defense attorney. 

Here are 3 reasons you should really listen up:

1.) In the state of Missouri,  if you receive the maximum penalty for petty theft/shoplifting (under $500), you could lose a year of your life to jail-time. Add a $1000 fine to that pile of misery!

Ever wondered what goes on inside the four walls of a prison?  If you’re at all like me, you like the comforts of your own home, your own bed, and most especially your own choice of food.  I’m preeetty sure I’d get sick of prison food in no time flat.

What’s a year of your life worth to you? Your job? Your annual income? Your reputation? Gone!  No workboots on earth are worth that price. Without a job, how are you going to pay off that fine?

2.) In addition, shops can sue for restitution and damages.

You could receive a “civil demand letter”. In addition to the fines imposed by the court, you would have to pay an additional amount to the store you stole from, above and beyond the price of the item you stole.

3.) If you are a first-time offender, your criminal defense lawyer can work aggressively to get a suspended imposition of sentence (SIS).

What SIS means for you is no permanent criminal record for shoplifting. If theft is on your record, it can hinder you from getting a job, renting an apartment, or even getting federal loans.   However, you do have to stay “squeaky clean” and complete your probation period.

Don’t face petty theft charges in court alone!

Not only could you end up with a criminal record and a fine, you could lose months of your life in jail.

If you or a loved one is facing shoplifting or petty theft charges , you  need a meticulous, agressive criminal defense attorney defending you in court. 

Call The Law Offices of Nathan A. Steimel, LLC today for a free initial consultation. (636)244-3737



This website is designed for general information only. The information presented on this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice or the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.


Construction worker accidents in the FATAL FOUR due to missing work safety equipment!

Injured on the job due to a construction accident?

When you shoot the breeze with a good buddy who works construction, it’s not long before the accident stories begin to surface.

In fact,  a certain family member of mine is legendary for surviving a fall off of a steep, two-story roof.   He was self-employed, working alone, and the house was rather isolated.  Fortunately someone drove by and saw him lying on the ground.

His injuries were not covered by any workers’ compensation.  He lost weeks of work. He spent many pain-filled days.  Recovery was a long, slow process.

The most troubling part was that his injuries were largely preventable.  All he needed was about $150 worth of safety equipment (safety harness, rope, and roof anchors).  Thankfully, he recovered!

Shockingly, according to OSHA, the number one standard that is commonly violated in the construction industry is fall protection!


We can only take a stab at the reasons. Maybe companies are trying to save money.  None of us want to think they just don’t care!

Or, maybe, like the seatbelt laws, workers just don’t like to  comply and wear the equipment.  Inconvenient? Uncomfortable?

NO survival story bragging rights is worth a slip-and-fall accident! Your life may be forever changed in a terrible way.

Here are some more cold, hard facts for you to chew on.

  • The construction industry accounts for one in five fatal work accidents.
  • OSHA lists construction falls as number one of the “FATAL FOUR”.
  • Falls account for 38.8% of deaths by construction accidents.

These figures do not include the life-changing injuries that often occur in a slip-and-fall accident.

What if you suffer a spinal cord injury? Have you ever imagined your life in a wheelchair? I’ve seen what it’s like — up close and personal.

You need someone to dress, shower, and groom you.

You need someone to get you out of bed every morning and put you to bed each night. If you’re fortunate to have the use of your hands, you can operate your own wheelchair.

You probably need someone to drive you everywhere you need to go.

Someone else must cook and clean for you.

You may suffer extreme pain every single day of your life.

While you can certainly triumph over these circumstances, it’s a life no one picks out on purpose!

Good safety practices on the job ought to be part of living the Golden Rule. 

We’ve come a long ways from the Industrial Revolution era when factory owners put children’s lives at risk daily in terrible, unsafe working conditions.

Sadly,  some  construction companies still do not use or enforce the use of simple, standard safety equipment!

Providing and enforcing the use of safety equipment on the job is in your company’s best interest in the long run.

  • Saves a company’s good reputation.
  • Avoids lawsuits and workers’ compensation pay-outs.
  • Builds a positive company culture.
  • Helps prevent expensive worker turnover.

You should not be afraid to speak up if your construction company does not provide safety equipment needed to prevent or catch you during a slip-and-fall accident.

If you or a loved one is suffering from a construction accident due to a lack of safety equipment, you need to call an experienced slip-and-fall lawyer today. The Law Offices of Nathan A. Steimel, LLC will give you a free, initial consultation. http://steimel-law.com/workers-comp.html

Call Attorney Steimel today at (636)244-3737.

This website is designed for general information only. The information presented on this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice or the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.


Summer fun in the sun? How to avoid needing a personal injury lawyer for your backyard


School’s out! Sun’s up, fun’s up! Shoo those kids out to the backyard already.

My kid has already been cherry-picking. She can’t wait to take her first outdoor swim of the season, too. ( We have a kind neighbor in town.) If only I had a way to get her out in the yard every single sunny day!

Like myself, more parents are  trying to think of ways to get our children outdoors on a regular basis even when their friends are on vacation!

One idea that bounced through my mind was this: a trampoline would be a great investment in fun, sun, and solitary exercise!

Saying this on personal injury lawyer’s website, I must mention that trampoline injuries are certainly a safety issue.


The short answer in the article above is YES. Trampolines are dangerous. So is riding bikes. Gymnastics, swimming, baseball, soccer — you name it — kids get injured doing these activities on a regular basis.

However, letting your child’s mind and body veg in front of a screen all day is a equally dangerous.

In fact,  pediatricians in the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend no more than 2 hours of screen time daily.

Tragically, even our youngest children are becoming more and more sedentary!

According to an article on http://healthychildren.org by Kelsey Sisti, M.D., FAAP,  one in five kindergarteners are carrying excess weight.  To be fair, diet and exercise are not the only factors in childhood obesity, but they certainly do contribute.

We need to unplug our kids!

I’m preaching to myself here. It’s on my active radar to find ways to keep us moving. I write from home.  When I need to focus,  it’s easy to plug my child in to buy myself some white space.

Setting up an enticing backyard play area can be key to promoting a healthy lifestyle.

This could include a pool of any size, play equipment, soccer goals, and, yes, a trampoline!  Can you tell I’m a bit hooked on the idea?

Pools and trampolines are kid-magnets. Buy either one, and you could end up with a flock of neighborhood kids in your backyard!

What if your neighbor’s child breaks a bone on your trampoline?  Even worse, imagine a back or neck injury that lasts a lifetime.

You can be sure someone will have to pay those medical bills.

What about some common sense tips to protect you from being sued because of your backyard trampoline?

  • Research which trampoline models have good safety ratings and features. Again, the article and website linked above will provide you with some good research. Having a protective netting around the trampoline seems to be key to preventing the worst sorts of head and neck injuries.
  • Set up your trampoline in a gated and locked back yard, if at all possible.  Just like you don’t want your neighbor kids sneaking in to use a pool, the same applies to the trampoline.
  • Put “No trespassing” signs up on your fenced back yard.  This may offer you some legal protection. See your personal injury lawyer for details.
  • Establish safety rules for the trampoline. Write them down. Make your kids memorize and spout them back to you. (accompanied by the usual sighs and eyerolls, to be sure.)
  • Talk to any parents whose children might be invited to use the trampoline and give them your list of safety rules
  • Call both your homeowner’s insurance company and a personal injury lawyerhttp://steimel-law.com/personal-injury-premisesliability.html  Find out what you would be liable for in your state and county!
  • IF you allow friends or neighbors to use your trampoline, this is time for adult supervision. You need to make sure your safety rules are being followed.

The Law Offices of Nathan A. Steimel, LLC want to help you avoid being sued for a slip-and-fall accident on your property.  If you should need legal help, please call for a free initial consultation. (636)244-3737

This website is designed for general information only. The information presented on this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice or the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.

How to fight back when your job is a pain in the___________

You fill in the blank! Back? Neck? Knees?

Maybe you’ve spent some years on an assembly-line job.

Or perhaps you do hard physical labor in construction, auto repairs, or landscaping to name just a few.

You don’t mind putting in a hard day’s work for a decent wage.

It’s just that maybe “the old gray mare, it ain’t what it used to be”!  ‘

You’ve got chronic joint pain that hasn’t gone away for months.

Your doctor says it’s time for surgery.

Everything wears out! Moving parts that do the same job over and over have to be replaced. The same thing happens to the human body.

In fact, a rheumatologist once told me that he warns everyone in a career that requires hard physical labor to plan for a career change before the age of fifty.

I’ve got a brother-in-law who works for a luxury car manufacturer. His job required the same repeated body motions day in and out. Unlike an exercise routine, you don’t get to stop working after an hour.

He eventually required joint surgery. He changed positions in his company, too. Happily, his company was fair. They paid for his surgery and his required time off of work. A quality worker is worth the cost! That’s what health insurance and workers’ compensation is for.

On the job injuries do not just mean a slip-and-fall accident!

Chronic pain due to repetitive motion labor should not be ignored by you or the company that you work for.

You are not a captured Roman slave to be worn out and tossed out like trash in the salt mines!

Nor do you work in a sweatshop somewhere in Asia.

The question is — will your company pay up if your chronic pain is caused by your job description?

Any company with integrity that keeps their employees in the same job month after month will factor in “human” parts replacements to their cost of operations.

Worn-out joints don’t just decrease factory production!  Chronic pain is known to reduce quality of life in some important ways.

You suffer loss of ability to perform desired tasks after work!

When my brother-in-law decided to build a small retaining wall, he knew it was time to schedule surgery. Even though he is fit and muscular, his joint injury took the wind out of his sails. He finished the wall, but the pain screamed so loud he could no longer ignore it.

Depression often sets in with loss of normal physical function.

Sleep loss due to chronic pain is debilitating. Your mind crawls at a snail’s pace. Simple tasks feel overwhelming. Lack of accomplishment leads to a cycle of despair.

Relationships suffer.

No one enjoys being around a person who is constantly miserable. Depending on individual pain tolerance, you may not enjoy being around other people, either.  If you suffer from chronic pain, it takes all your energy just to get your eight hour shift completed each day.

Worst of all, you may be unable to hold down your current job due to chronic pain!

If you or a loved one are suffering chronic pain due to  job-related activities, you need to protect your future!

Is your company willing to provide coverage for all your medical needs and the necessary time off of work? Your ability to provide for your loved ones is at stake!

Are you fighting an uphill battle to get help from your company?  You need an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer today! 


The Law Offices of Nathan A. Steimel, LLC will be happy to give you a free initial consultation. Attorney Steimel will evaluate your case fairly.  He is a family man that knows you need to provide for your loved ones!

Call for a free initial consultation today. (636)244-3737.

This website is designed for general information only. The information presented on this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice or the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.