Premises Liability (Slip and Fall)

Important items to remember in case of premises liability (slip and fall):

  • Do not leave without reporting the incident to the management. If you leave and report the incident later, they could claim it never happened.
  • Ask for a copy of the incident report (please note that often management will not release a copy but you should ask for it anyway because there are times when they will).
  • If you are injured, seek medical attention immediately to document your injuries. Have management call EMS to the scene, if necessary.
  • If contacted by an insurance adjuster, do not speak with them without consulting with us first. Under no circumstances should you permit them to record your conversation (they must advise you before doing so). Be pleasant and take their name and telephone number and give this information to our office. Once you have informed an insurance adjuster that you are represented by an attorney, they are not permitted to discuss the case with you.
  • Preserve the shoes and clothing you were wearing when you fell, as evidence.
  • If you need to follow up with a physician, whether chiropractic or orthopedic, our office will be able to provide a referral to a physician to treat your injuries. This physician will bill your insurance company or wait to get paid at the conclusion of your case. In most cases, you will incur no out of pocket expense.
  • Contact our office at 636-244-3737 as soon as possible. Remember, we only get paid if we are able to reach a monetary settlement with the defendant's insurance company, so legal representation will cost you nothing.

Call The Law Offices of Nathan A. Steimel, L.L.C. at